One line


Music theatre for young audiences aged 5 to 9

Clemens K. Thomas (music)

Miriam Götz (director, dramaturgy)


Martin and his teddy bear Bä invent a time machine and set off on an adventurous journey …


A piece about friendship, trusting and helping each other, immersing in fantastic worlds, and the boundless imagination of play.

The trailer for BÄ! with central scenes from the play.

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Audio description version of BÄ!

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music theatre for young audiences aged 5 to 9 (2023)


composition and piece development: Clemens K. Thomas

direction and piece development: Miriam Götz

stage and costumes: Sarah Mittenbühler

puppetry and coaching: Antje Töpfer


Neue Vocalsolisten

Martin Nagy, child

Guillermo Anzorena, teddy bear

Andreas Fischer, father/clock/cactus/doctor/cyborg

BÄ!: Martin Nagy (Martin), Guillermo Anzorena (Bä)
© Martin Sigmund

The story


Little Martin has moved to a new city. He doesn’t feel comfortable here yet and isn’t keen on all the changes. His teddy bear, Bä, feels quite differently. Martin’s fluffy favourite cuddly toy is not just any teddy but is truly alive and the best playmate with the craziest ideas. Amidst the chaos of moving boxes, the adventurous Bä begins to build a sound time machine. And it actually works!


Martin and Bä embark on an adventurous journey through time into the wildest fantasy worlds. They encounter a clock hand that has lost its rhythm, land in the hot desert where Bä falls in love with a cactus, find themselves in tricky situations, and manage to escape. Finally, they encounter a cyborg who is up to no good with Martin.


As imaginative as their journey is the music: when Bä accompanies himself on the ukulele with a love song, the cyborg world emerges from digital birdsong, rhythmic wordplay helps the clock hand find its rhythm againsinging, Martin and Bä travel through playfully magical soundscapes with a wink and a smile!

The composer’s thoughts on BÄ!


»Martin and his teddy bear Bä invent a time machine that takes them to all kinds of imaginary spaces: a series of funny, touchingly sad and happy-cheerful childhood moments. Martin is a somewhat shy and introverted boy who only fully blossoms and opens up in the presence of his teddy bear.


From the boy’s point of view, Bä is not an inanimate stuffed animal, but his friend and playmate, who certainly has his own peculiarities. ‘BÄ!’ is set in Martin’s imaginary parallel world (the bear is alive!) and the »serious« world of adults (Bä is just a soft toy). Bä is a little clumsy and totally cute.«

(Clemens K. Thomas)

Clemens K. Thomas: BÄ!
Martin Nagy: Martin
Guillermo Anzorena: Bä
© Martin Sigmund
Clemens K. Thomas
© Johannes Hirsch
Zu sehen sind die sieben Neue Vocalsolisten. Sie stehen inmitten eines Marktstandes. Jede*r Sänger*in hält ein Stück Obst oder Gemüse in der Hand.
Zu sehen sind die sieben Neue Vocalsolisten. Sie stehen inmitten eines Marktstandes. Jede*r Sänger*in hält ein Stück Obst oder Gemüse in der Hand.
Neue Vocalsolisten
© Martin Sigmund

Neue Vocalsolisten

The seven singers are constantly seeking new vocal expressions in collaboration with composers. A key focus is working with artists who virtuously exploit the possibilities of digital media, with a passion for networking, playing with genres, dissolving space, perspectives, and functions. Interdisciplinary formats between music theatre, performance, installation, and concert staging shape up to 30 premieres per year. Together with programmers and web designers, the Neue Vocalsolisten explore »magical spaces«performance formats that blend analogue and digital perception. At the heart of the ensemble’s work is vocal chamber music theatre: hundreds of works have been composed specifically for the singers. For their contributions to contemporary vocal music, the Neue Vocalsolisten have been honoured with numerous awards, including the Silberner Löwe of the Biennale Venedig 2021 and the Italian critics’ award Premio Abbiati 2022. In masterclasses and a digital »NVS Academy,« the Neue Vocalsolisten introduce young artists to the challenges of experimental vocal music.

BÄ!: Martin Nagy (Martin), Andreas Fischer (Vater von Martin)
© Martin Sigmund
Szene aus BÄ!. Musiktheater für Kinder von Clemens K. Thomas
mit Guillermo Anzorena (Bä) und Martin Nagy (Sänger und Spieler von Martin).
© Martin Sigmund
BÄ!: Martin Nagy (Martin), Andreas Fischer (Uhrzeiger)
© Martin Sigmund
Martin (Martin Nagy), Uhrzeiger (Andreas Fischer), BÄ (Guillermo Anzorena)
© Martin Sigmund
BÄ!: Guillermo Anzorena (Bä), Andreas Fischer (Kaktus)
© Martin Sigmund
Vater (Andreas Fischer), BÄ (Guillermo Anzorena), Martin (Martin Nagy)
© Martin Sigmund
BÄ!: Martin Nagy (Martin), Andreas Fischer (Cyborg)
© Martin Sigmund